iTEM – 1st progress meeting, Czech Technical University, Prague June 18-19, 2019

EU cofunded ITEM

Agenda of the Meeting
Tuesday 18th of May 2019 – DAY One

Time Slot Topic to Discuss Coordinator
08:45–09:15 Participants Arrival & Registration Dr. Eva Feuerstein (CVUT)
09:15 –9:30 Welcome & Useful Info for the Meeting Dr. Eva Feuerstein (CVUT)
09:30 –10:30 Work-Package One:
Preparation (I) –Presentations from the Assigned Tasks Coordinators
Dr. N. Harrel (HIT)
10:30 –11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 –12:00 Work-Package One:
Preparation (II)-Presentations from the Assigned Tasks Coordinators
Dr. K. Petridis (HMU)
12:00 –13:30 Lunch Break
13:30 –14:00 Work-Package One:
Closing Discussions –Conclusions
Dr. K. Petridis (HMU)
14:00 –15:30 Work –Package Two:
Development (Presentations order has been send as an email)
Dr. K. Petridis (HMU)
15:30 –16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 –17:30 Work –Package Three:
Quality Plan & Actions
Dr. N. Harrel (HIT)
17:30 –18:30 Sum Up of the 1stDay Dr. K. Petridis (HMU)

Wednesday 19th of May 2019 – DAY Two

Time Slot Topic to Discuss Coordinator
09:00 –09:15 Participants Arrival Dr. Eva Feuerstein (CVUT)
09:15 –10:15 Work-Package Four:
Dissemination & Exploitation
PlanDr. Petridis Konstantinos (HMU)
 10:15 –10:45 Coffee Break
10:45 –12:00 Work -Package Five: Management Dr. Petridis Konstantinos (HMU)
12:00 –13:30 Lunch Break
13:30 –15:30 Sum Up of the 2ndDay – Decision of the Next Meeting & Evaluation of the meeting Dr. K. Petridis (HMU)

 How to get to the venue of the 1st Progress Meeting  (please, see figure maps below):

