Dr. Eva Feuerstein, Ph.D.

EU cofunded ITEM

Dr. Eva Feuerstein (Neumanova), graduate of Charles University in Prague at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, major Numerical Mathematics, gained PhD at Czech Technical University (CVUT), faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Prague in 1999, Thesis Numerical Solution of Ill Conditioned Problems. Dr. Eva Feuerstein is an assistant professor and lecturer at the Department of Natural Sciences of FBME since 2008. She is responsible for design and development of Math courses for various programs of study at FBME as well as lecturing Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus, and Linear Algebra courses for undergraduate students (BSc study), next to the courses focused to mathematical modeling of biomedical processes to graduate students (MSc study). She designed Math based courses with Math software, particularly MATLAB, and then accredited courses she taught at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of CTU. She also participated in all English Mechanical  Engineering program there (1995 – 2005). Her professional career started at Research and Computational Center of CTU, where she was involved in various research projects, particularly development of fast algorithms for solving criticality problem of nuclear reactors for Center of Nuclear Physics in Rez u Prahy. She was also a part of a team developing real time applications for manufacturing processes in Kovosvit Sezimovo Usti or Skoda Pilsen. She was involved in several projects financed by Grant Agencies of Czech republic (local coordinator 2005-2007, 2008-2010), Czech Academy of Sciences (team member 2005-2007). She was an individual recipient of 2 grants from Ministry of Education for innovation of Math courses with MATLAB (2003). Together with her colleague, prof. Stepankova from CVUT-CIIRC they played a key role in a project introducing and customizing ECDL (European Computer Driving License) standardized testing of computer literacy within Czech Republic (1999-2000).
The local coordinator of the project in CVUT