- Spolupráce na projektech
- Projekty řešené na fakultě
- Infrastruktura pro biomedicínské inženýrství II. (BIOKOS II.)
- Technikou do nitra člověka
- Modernizace výukových postupů a zvýšení praktických dovedností a návyků studentů oboru Biomedicínský technik
- Rozvoj oboru Biomedicínská informatika na Fakultě biomedicínského inženýrství v Kladně
- Rozvoj výzkumného týmu BIO-OPT-XUV na FBMI ČVUT
- Infrastruktura pro biomedicínské inženýrství (BIOKOS)
- Spolupráce 21. století
- Mezinárodní spolupráce na Fakultě biomedicínského inženýrství ČVUT
- Inovace a modernizace didaktických metod a obsahu výuky na FBMI Kladno ve specifických oblastech
- Integrace týmu pro vývoj a výzkum nových principů nanotechnologie v biomedicíně pro vzdělávání a lékařskou praxi
- Ochrana obyvatelstva a řešení krizových a mimořádných událostí
- Popularizace vědy a výzkumu ČVUT
- Dlouhověkost bez léků : Popularizace a propagace novinek ve výzkumu nefarmakologických možností ovlivnění zdravotního stavu
- Podpora zkvalitnění týmů výzkumu a vývoje a rozvoj intersektorální mobility na ČVUT v Praze
Assoc. Prof. Jiri Hozman, Ph.D.
Dr. Jiri Hozman is an associate professor in the field of Electronics and Medical Technology and guarantor of the study bachelor program Biomedical Technician. He is responsible person for accreditation processes, teaching process methodology, relevant courses topics and learning outcomes within the whole study program Biomedical Technician. He is a committee member of Czech Society for Biomedical Engineering and Medical Informatics Czech Medical Association of J. E. Purkyně) and by this committee he was nominated as Co-Chair of the Education Committee within the World Congress IUPESM 2018 (http://www.iupesm2018.org/). Dr. Hozman is one of the four teachers (lecturers) of a course Selected topics from mathematics for biomedical engineers. Within this course he teaches integral transforms topics. He also teaches mathematical modeling and simulation and image processing from the point of medical imaging systems view within a few bachelor, master and doctoral courses. In correspondence with these courses he established in 2008 university laboratory of patient simulation with simulated ICU equipped with set of simulators including two artificial patients (mannequins) for emergency care and for clinical simulation. He is head of this laboratory and he was supervisor of student bachelor and diploma theses including modelling based on the math equations. He has experience from clinical practice within the Motol University Hospital in the field of medical imaging systems as well. Dr. Hozman is official external expert of Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic for the university accreditations assessment within the whole Czech Republic. He is Head of the Department of Clinical Engineering within the Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education and he is responsible for accreditation and implementation of the accredited qualification courses, certificated courses and lifelong learning courses for biomedical technicians and biomedical engineers in clinical practice. The most relevant ESF projects where he was responsible person for the project proposal and implementation are the following: Innovation of the Bachelor Study Program Biomedical and Clinical Technology to Improve Application of the Graduates on the Labor Market, CZ.04.1.03/, 27.6.2006 - 26.6.2008, Practical Students' Skills Education Quality Improvement of Biomedical and Clinical Technology Study Program, CZ.04.1.03/, 1.1.2007 - 30.6.2008, Modernization of educational methods and improvement of practical skills and habits of students in biomedical technician branch, CZ.1.07./2.2.00/15.0415, 11.10.2010 - 28.2.2013. Instrumentation and computer aided processes in medicine, CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_018/0002363, 1. 5. 2017 - 30. 9. 2022 (new PhD study program Simulation and Modeling in Medicine). Dr. Hozman was member of the team responsible for the program proposal and implementation of the Common European Master’s Course in Biomedical Engineering (formally part of the 2009-2013 Erasmus Mundus Master's Course Program) and he was vice-dean of education (2008-2016) - Faculty of Biomedical Engineering/Czech Technical University in Prague as responsible person for educational accreditation of third mentioned study program within the international consortium, i.e. Aachen University, RWTH, DE, Trinity College Dublin (TCD), IE Ghent University (UGent) together with Free University of Brussels (VUB), Brussels, BE, University of Groningen (RuG), NL and Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague, CZ (see http://www.biomedicaltechnology.eu/ ) as well.
Selected papers:
- ROŽÁNEK, M., et al. Software Monitor of Vital Functions for a Mannequin Realized on Tablet PC. In: 4th IEEE International Conference on e-Health and Bioengineering EHB 2013. 4th IEEE International Conference on e-Health and Bioengineering EHB 2013. Iasi, 21.11.2013 - 23.11.2013. Iasi: Gr. T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy. 2013, ISBN 978-1-4799-2373-1.
- SUCHOMEL, J., et al. Interactive Education System for Practice of Acute Use of Manual Defibrillator. In: EHB 2011 Proceedings. 2011 e-Health and Bioengineering Conference. Iasi, 24.11.2011 - 26.11.2011. Iasi: Gr. T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy. 2011, pp. 503-505. ISBN 978-1-4577-0292-1.
- HOZMAN, J. and FLIEGEL, K. SW for modeling and simulation of image sensors transfer properties. [Educational software]. 2006
- HOZMAN, J., GERLA, V. and POP, M. MIPS - Medical/Microscopy Image Processing Software. [Educational software]. 2000
- HOZMAN, J. and ROUBÍK, K. The Educational Video-Program Tomographical Imaging Methods In Medicine - CT. In: PROVAZNÍK, L., JAN, J., and KOZUMPLÍK, J., eds. Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images. 17th Biennial International Eurasip Conference Biosignal 2004. Brno, 23.06.2004 - 25.06.2004. Brno: VUTIUM Press. 2004, pp. 442-444. ISSN 1211-412X. ISBN 80-214-2633-0.
- VÍTEK, S. and HOZMAN, J. Modeling of Imaging Systems in MATLAB. Radioengineering. 2003, 12(4), pp. 55-57. ISSN 1210-2512.
- HOZMAN, J. and ROUBÍK, K. Tomographical Imaging Methods in Medicine - CT. 2003. [Educational video in English]
- HOZMAN, J. Multimedia Aided Teaching of Medical Imaging Systems Subject. In: Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images. 16th Biennial International Eurasip Conference Biosignal 2002. Brno, 26.06.2002 -
- 28.06.2002. Brno: VUTIUM Press. 2002, pp. 477-479. ISSN 1211-412X. ISBN 80-214-2120-7.